Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Scale is the best principal

Scale is the best principal of design. Scale is the relationship between the sizes of the elements. So without it there would be no pictures. They would be out of size you wouldn't be able to judge there depth either.
Now look at this picture of this patheon. Notice how you can tell how this structure is tall. Compared to the trees in the background all small. This picture is amazing. Now look at this horrible picture with no scale from Finland.

There is no scale in this photo you have no depth perception which makes this picture so much more boring to look at than the first picture that is amazing. So as you you can see scale is the best principal of design because without the picture is boring to look at, you can't judge it's depth and it's confusing to look at.  Now this is the best picture ever and is great for scale is this adorable little guy...

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