Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dreamweaver Tutorial 2

You will critique someone else's suggested tutorial. Someone else will critique yours. Please follow the tutorial to fully assess it.


Pamela Cruz said...

Leo, your tutorial was nothing more than a guy explaining complicated stuff 'bout HTML 5, whatever that is. It doesn't tell me how to set up the page, how to do links, or what the nav or aside or all that is. Did you just pick this one because it was the first one you found? (Not trying to be harsh, but it seems likely =/ )

Unknown said...
Pamela's video is so easy! he talks you through on how to save the website and create the website and make a hyper link

Greih said...

This tutorial was not a good because I could not follow it.

Emily Joseph said...

Leroy's video was difficult to understand because the speaker does everything in code. He also has the viewer set up folders and then connect them to the HTML, but he doesn't take enough time to show you how to do so.

Nick A said...

Part 2

this video was nothing more than a man explaining how to change things in a complicated manor

Anonymous said...

harkaran dhillon

Very simple (but not too simple in my opinion.
Offered a defined lesson.
Voice of teacher was understandable.

Daesean Clay said...

I critiqued Jacob Morse's Tutorial.

It was good, but it didn't show much more than what we could have found out by playing with dreamweaver for ourselves.

Jacob Morse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Nick A

The video was only to the beginning of what to do and did not teach you any other things than how to start Dreamweaver

Unknown said...

Anastasia's video was good his voice was clear and the video was easy to follow

Jacob Morse said...

Albs video to me I found easy to understand and showed the basics of dreamweaver.

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