Monday, January 7, 2013

New Tutorial

Follow the link below to start a new website. After following the tutorial please critique the tutorial and compare to the others we have done.

First Website



Unknown said...
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Greih said...

It was easy to figure out how to save the site, once you found the right title to look under. The first few sections were very confusing to me. Once I learned I had to download the folder, I had to figure out by myself where to put it. Then, his instructions started making sense.

Unknown said...

He didn't have an annoying voice have a video. But i liked that he didn't have a bunch of steps to follow. It was easy to follow and understand. It helped me make a new root folder since something happened to my first root folder.

Unknown said...

...not exactly helpful, but... "in depth"... beter than others mainly because no annoying voice.

Emily Joseph said...

The tutorial was good because there was no annoying voice because he simply did not have a voice. The tutorial itself was pretty good for teaching you how to save something in Dreamweaver. Once I found where the folder downloaded to it was much easier to follow.

Anonymous said...

The writing is clear and concise and it offers only necessary visual aids that allow that the reader to become familiar with the appearance of the specified windows. The tutor discusses a simple concept with precision which causes the reader, who is supposed to have little to no knowledge of web design and /or dreamweaver, to easily comprehend the directions and explanations.
A written tutorial is especially useful for one who can conceptualize the information well whereas a video tutorial aids one who needs constant visual aid. Visually, the video would obviously be superior. However, video tutorials also entail other factors such as the necessity for a pleasant timbre of the tutor's voice. This written tutorial then definitely has its own advantages.

Daesean Clay said...

The first section was very confusing to me, but the rest was clear and no voice was nice.

Meerman S said...

The tutorial was helpful to make a new website and better than the others because it helped new people more. I was able to understand what it meant and make a site pretty well and the pictures helped me see what I need to do.

Albs said...

The tutorial was lame, I'd rather have a video with an annoying voice because you can see step by step what your screen should look like while this tutorial had like 2 pictures.

Unknown said...

I didn't like it it was very non-detailed and I got confused a lot, I'm more of a visual learner. Sure there were pictures but there wasn't a lot.

Unknown said...

I didn't like this tutorial, I lose focus when I read, I'd rather have a video with an annoying voice so I can concentrate better instead of a really long paragraph

Baratta a said...

I would prefer a video because it shows you step by step on the same screen that you will see

Pamela Cruz said...

Maybe it's just me, but I HATED the tutorial. It felt really wordy to me, I got confused, and even though it said it should work fine for CS5, the pictures were from CS4, so I had trouble figuring out where things were. Update, what's that? It's not a polite suggestion if you think it is!

...Hm, I gotta keep to joke running...
At least there's no annoying voice! 0v0b

AlexisJeannine said...

The tutorial was not very helpful for me because I'm a visual and audible learner. I like having a persons voice guiding me which this tutorial did not have. For others, this may be a very helpful tutorial, but in my case, I would disagree. But I do agree it made it very clear how to save things in DreamWeaver.

Jacob Morse said...

I found that the tutorial was useful for getting your website going it gave you good tips for what exactly to do and where to save your file in multiple different ways.

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