Thursday, February 7, 2013


Define Logo...

 Logo quiz


AlexisJeannine said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc

Albs said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc: "the Olympic logo".

Greih said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles

Meerman S said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc: "the Olympic logo".

Leroy Jenkins said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc: "the Olympic logo".

Unknown said...

A logo is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition.

Anonymous said...

a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition.

Jacob Morse said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products.

Daesean Clay said...

Also called logotype. a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.

Pamela Cruz said...

A graphic or symbol meant to represent a company, corporation, trademark, etc. that can quickly be identified

Nick A said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc: "the Olympic logo".

Unknown said...

a symbol used in a company to represent it

Emily Joseph said...

A logo is a symbol or a smal design that is used by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.

Unknown said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc: "the Olympic logo".

Unknown said...

also called logotype. a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation , ect., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.

Unknown said...

A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc: ex nike check logo

Maurisa Richeme said...

A logo is the most dominant form of trademark for just about anything. Something's logo is what defines it and gives people an image to remember it by. Its a symbol of identification.

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