Wednesday, January 30, 2013

OMG! Best Web Site EVAH!

In a comment below, post a link to the best (school appropriate) site you have ever seen and state why.


Pamela Cruz said...

I would totally love to put down a different site, but it's not exactly school appropriate (swearing is common)

So I'll use something else instead >___>

Jacob Morse said...
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Baratta a said... I know this seems like a joke but it's not. the site was remade and larry linker made it easy to look at. it is no longer a yellow that makes you want to throw up! it seems professionally made.

Unknown said...
this is the best website ever because it has all my childhood games and it is still pretty awesome.

AlexisJeannine said...
This is the best website EVAH because it is easy on the eyes, easy to navigate through, and it lets you see the most updated information in news, sports, and entertainment!

Anonymous said...

This site has excellent photography for backgrounds. Alternating photos = are relevant and add a sense of movement and optimism to the site. It is nicely organized which makes it feel more professional.

Emily Joseph said...
This is one of my favorite websites from when I was a child. Today, it is still fun and entertaining.

Nick A said...

it is a fun and easy to navigate website and theres not to much going on

Daesean Clay said...

It leaves almost no information out about its products. It includes every detail.

Jacob Morse said...
I feel that this as good as google maybe even better just not as big world wide

Unknown said... Twitter is the best, hands down ok? (It wouldn't post yesterday, sorry)

Leroy Jenkins said...
the best because it is perfect.

Meerman S said...
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Anastasia348 said...
Simple design that does not confuse you, and I keep coming back to it every day! I could search for the information anywhere else, but google seems to be the most convenient.

Unknown said...
Amazon is pretty good it's neat and organized, easy to use, you can get it in almost every language, and you can get anything you want.

Maurisa Richeme said...
We Heart It is a very good website because its really expressive and it tells you a lot about the people by the pictures that they have. It is also good for getting inspiration of any kind.

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