Thursday, September 27, 2012


My name is Greih and I like to drink tea and smile.

Here is a link to a place where you can get cool tea stuff:

Here is a smiley face to make you happy:

In a world where boring names are far too common, a baby named Greih is born...
My mother never wanted me to have a normal name. In fact,she was searching phonebooks before I was born to find a nice enough last name to use as my first. My father and she were watching The Pelican Brief one night, who starred Denzel Washington as a character named Grey. My mom liked the name, but hated the spelling. She thought of words that rhymed, such as sleigh. She replaced the sl- with a Gr- to come up with the spelling Greigh. She didn't want people to think my name was pronounced Greg, so she took out the second g, changing the spelling of my name to Greih.

Funny thing is that people add the second g anyways, so it would have saved me frustration if she had just left it. ANyways, that's the story of how I got my name!

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