Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pamela @ Post

My name is Pamela. You probably don't need to know that though, because I stand out more than a celebrity at a kid's birthday party. People say I'm funny, but others say I'm crazy. Still more say I'm talented in the arts, or music, or writing, and still MORE say that I am wasting it by going to a public school. Gosh, people, make up your darned mind!

Ahem, back to me. I'm 14, I like music (no specific genre), writing, and drawing (although I'm not that great at people. And forget about animals). I'm really into video games, too. Because let's face it - they're awesome.

I also used to go to this school called St. Joseph School from kindergarten thru sixth grade. The teachers are okay (the one I loved best though died - R.I.P. Mrs. Abbots =[ ) but it was the people I couldn't stand. Because honestly, I could care less about the popular celeb of the time, or Twilight, or your sick fantasies you voice out loud, I absolutely HATED one of the three principals I had, but not as much as those annoying pep rallies where all we do is watch people make baskets; I literally faked a doctor's appointment to skip it...and...and....

Okay, okay, rant over. Back to me, again. I eventually kicked SJS to the curb and attended Broadview Middle School, below, and won the intramural / beginning level of the first ever Middle School National History Bee, though I did lose the statewide level to Rahul. *glare*

Also I write a lot...0_o


Pamela Cruz said...

Also I like going to this here website. Trust me - it's hilarious.
(Crude humor is used ~ A warning for the puritanical)

Unknown said...

lol you lost state spelling compitition to one of my other freinds (Ps: there is a reson why I didn't compeate) :D

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