Friday, September 28, 2012

hell0 it is oliver :D

hi my name is oliver (as you should clearly be able to tell from the title, or are you strange?------------------------------------>) and I like pi and hate circles. Don't ask about the circle thing, i just hate circles,and my quest to explane this defines my persuit of debate team and math. whilst the class i am currently in is entertaining I mortaly dispize the awful music the teacher is playing constantly. my life story is boring so ill just tell you about now! I play video gamez, personal fav is lol (league of legends) and smite (A cool game that doesn't come out for another year that i am beta testing(is so cool:D)). I have two dogs that are cute as hell and one annoying cat. on a good day you can get home and barely be able to hear anything.  stupid video for any geeks out there :D

(lol XD)

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